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Take Action
Welcome to Care4nature’s Action Center — a collaborative effort to use the power of the Internet to promoting environment awareness, conservation, education, and scientific research in India. Join the care4nature’s ‘Network 4 Change’. This Network helps to protect and preserve the precious Indian eco system and creates awareness among the people…

‘Learn while you play’
The saying inspires us to offer you some fun giving contests. All contests are on environment, wildlife and allied subjects…Here are some of interesting contest like quiz contest, photo contest, nature writing contest, slogan contest and make a wild guess just 4 you…

India’s Protected Areas: Are they really protected? Enlisting India’s 373 Protected Areas is a difficult task; it has 311 Sanctuaries and 62 National Parks in 28States.

Welcome to care4nature.org’s Race 4 Survival! The Race is a quick, easy way to help save our wildlife with a simple point and click… The race is 100% free to you! What you need to do is Click on the “Click to Help” button up to once per day. Each click generates a donation, paid by Care4nature and other sponsors for different conservation and protection programs of Endangered Animals in India…

India has a large number of species and biodiversity from northern Himalayan Mountains to far southern Lakshwadeep’s mytelefoonhoesjes corals and from western India’s Kuttch’s Deserts to Eastern India’s rain forests.
There are so many rare species that you will find in India. But somehow due to over population and due to other factors India’s natural wealth is going in great danger… Know more about these endangered species…

What you will find here will not find anywhere. It will be totally exclusive. In this section we will give such information which we have prepare through research of different environment issues and with references of other books.


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