Welcome to Care4nature’s Action Center, a collaborative effort to use the power of the Internet to increase public awareness and activate support on today’s environmental issues of global concerns. We welcome the readers like YOU, who care about environment. Join the care4nature’s Network 4 Change. This Network helps to protect and preserve World’s Eco system and create awareness. This Network is dedicated to promote awareness raising activities, nature conservation and Eco education programmes, and Eco-scientific research in India.

Save the Great Indian Bustard – Rajasthan
The Great Indian Bustard is a large handsome bird of the short grass plains of the Indian subcontinent. It is now confined to few pockets in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka in India, while less than 100 survive in Pakistan.
Orissa coast: Giant graveyard for olive ridleys
The Great Indian Bustard is a large handsome bird of the short grass plains of the Indian subcontinent. It is now confined to few pockets in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka in India, while less than 100 survive in Pakistan.
Tadoba”s Threaten Tigers
The Great Indian Bustard is a large handsome bird of the short grass plains of the Indian subcontinent. It is now confined to few pockets in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka in India, while less than 100 survive in Pakistan.

Saving the sharks: Marine species get legal protection Andaman and Nikobar
The Great Indian Bustard is a large handsome bird of the short grass plains of the Indian subcontinent. It is now confined to few pockets in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka in India, while less than 100 survive in Pakistan.

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